San Diego UCHUG - Disclaimer

This Web site has been created by the Webmasters and members of the San Diego Under the Computer Hood Users Group for the entertainment of said members and friends.  We welcome all visitors. 

Please read the following before you avail yourself of any information you see at this site.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the Webmasters and individual authors only and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the UCHUG, its officers, Board of Directors, Directors, the "Drive Light" newsletter or its editors. 
UCHUG does not make any guarantees of the accuracy or validity of advertising or of articles or references to Web sites contained herein, nor does the UCHUG endorse or comment on products available.  Visitors to this site are advised to use their own discretion when using information published here.

Trademarks/Copyrights:  The mention or display of names or logos of products on this site without trademark or copyright symbols does not imply that they are not so protected by law.

We want to tell you how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The new data protection law came into force on May 25, 2018. It affects European and non-European businesses for users in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Although UCHUG is not aware of any members, or associates, who are within the EU,  we want to offer the highest level of privacy to all of our contacts.

Information we collect:
Your name.   It is used only for purposes of Identifying you for collection of membership Dues. (Guests are welcome at our meetings and we do not collect names.)

Your Email Address: This is optional, and is used solely for the purpose of sending you notifications of meetings,  optional opportunities provided by the APCUG, such as their Virtual Conferences, or other information for your personal use, We do not sell, or give your email address to any other group or business, either in the USA or in the EU. We offer no services or products for sale.

(If you are an author who  has been a contributor to the PUSH and been published in our news letter, we have the Email you provided with those articles. We use those addresses only to contact you to inform you of (and thank you for) your article published in our newsletter. You may have your info removed by requesting OPT-OUT at INFO@UCHUG.ORG)

Your Phone Number and/or mailing address: You may have given us your phone number or address when you initially paid your membership. It is not required. If those were given, they have been used only for the purpose of contacting you should there be a lapse in your membership dues, to confirm your desire to remain in, or leave UCHUG.

Should you desire to have either or both of those removed from our membership records you may request at any time. Or if you are unsure if we have your information, or want to verify their accuracy please contact us.

If you believe you are covered by the rules of the GDPR please notify us so that we can verify our records to remove any information you do not want in our files.

Because we are currently in compliance with US rules we will continue to retain your NAME and EMAIL address. If that is OK you need to take no action.

If you want us to DELETE YOUR ADDRESS from our contact list please address an email to INFO@UCHUG.ORG. Please make clear your desire to OPT OUT.

If you OPT-OUT we will DELETE YOU from our contact list. You will not receive our monthly announcements (with the link to our news letter) or other announcements.

UCHUG Inc. Board of Directors
